Physiotherapy ACC Albany North Shore, Auckland CBD

So Physio


Insights into long-term health and wellness

Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan

Daily Breath Training

It's well known that weightlifting can strengthen our biceps and quads. Now, there's accumulating evidence that strengthening the muscles we use to breathe is beneficial too. New research shows that a daily dose of muscle training for the diaphragm and other breathing muscles helps promote heart health and reduces high blood pressure.

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Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan


Tired of any unexplained pain, niggles or constantly feeling stiff or tight. We curated a detailed, hour-long BODY WOF™ session to ensure that we assess your Functional Movements, Postures by running some tests, along with listening to your injury or medical history, combining it with a treatment session to help you tune up your body to relieve any muscle tension, improve your stability and functional movement to help you reduce the risk of getting injured or being in pain, or even improve your sports ability!

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Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan

Ganglions: To pop or to not pop

Ganglion cysts are fluid filled sacs often found on the back of the wrist or hand. It is commonly caused by mechanical dysfunctions of the wrist and is considered an overused injury. So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. Our approach are unconventional and utilises the whole body approach.

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Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan

Breathing dysfunctions & its global effects.

So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. We are ACC providers and do not require any referrals prior to an appointment. We offer Neuro Kinetic Therapy and is the only clinic in the North Shore with an advanced practitioner.

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Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan

Your C-section scar.

So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. We are ACC providers and do not require any referrals prior to an appointment. We offer Neuro Kinetic Therapy and is the only clinic in the North Shore with an advanced practitioner. Our team is experienced in pelvic floor health, pregnancy physiotherapy and its associate problems.

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Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan

Stop Stretching that Tight Muscle

So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. We are ACC providers and do not require any referrals prior to an appointment. We offer Neuro Kinetic Therapy and is the only clinic in the North Shore with an advanced practitioner. Stretching every thing is tight is not the solution to lengthening the muscle.

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Nicole Kwan Nicole Kwan

Neuro Kinetic Therapy

So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. We are ACC providers and do not require any referrals prior to an appointment. We offer Neuro Kinetic Therapy and is the only clinic in the North Shore with an advanced practitioner.

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