What is it and why it should be on your check list.

So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. Our approach is unconventional and utilizes the whole body approach. We make sure we listen to you and your issues, and curate a individualized treatment approach tailored to you.


Let’s give you a few scenarios – have you/or know someone that one day woke up and couldn’t get out of bed because their back or neck is stuck, and they are in so much pain they can’t move? Or one day you/they moved and realised your/their body is so much stiffer? Or something that you/they used to do seem so easy, but now seem so much harder or worst, even impossible?

Like any well-oiled machine, our body is made up of multiple systems and structures to help you function pain free 24/7. So, what happens when it is forced to run for years and years without an end goal in sight? It breaks down and stops working. Like how we are required to send our car yearly for a WOF and every 6 months-1 year for a service to make sure it is well maintained and stays in shape, why don’t we do the same for our body?

These unexplained, no injury driven pain incidents occur because of this. Our body weathers so much for us, it adapts to help us to keep going, but what if those adaptions (caused by multiple reasons), are not the right adaptations, but instead creating cracks in our foundation to one day break down when your body either had enough or is pushed off the cliff by an external factor.

That’s where we come in. We curated a detailed, hour-long BODY WOF™ session to ensure that we assess your Functional Movements, Postures by running some tests, along with listening to your history, combining it with a treatment session to help you tune up your body to relieve any muscle tension (known or unknown), improve your stability and functional movement to help you reduce the risk of getting injured or being in pain.

Public health dictates that we get a medical check-up and teeth clean every year, hence, its also importance to take care of your physical body and help it be in the best shape it can be.

The BODY WOF™ session is not meant to be a weekly occurrence. It is meant to be a 3, 6 months or 1 year maintenance session to help you optimize your potential. If you already have existing pain/injuries, then the standard Physiotherapy sessions are more suitable for you.

Feel that your body is no longer the state it used to be, or starting to have any unexplained niggles, then this is for you. Book in for a BODY WOF ™ session now.

So Physio
has locations in both Albany, North Shore & Auckland City Central.



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